Community Blogs

60% Keyboards: Everything You Need to Know
The Ultimate Guide to 60% Keyboards: Everything You Need to Know
In recent years, the 60% keyboard has emerged as a standout choice among keyboard enthusiasts and users seeking a compact yet powerful typing experience. This review delves into the world of 60% keyboards, offering insights into their design, functionality, and the reasons behind their surging popularity.
Redragon K530 Pro vs K599 Deimos: Which Size Fits You Best - 60% or 70%?
Redragon K530 Pro vs K599 Deimos: Which Size Fits You Best - 60% or 70%?
Choosing between the Redragon K530 Pro and the K599 Deimos comes down to personal preference and specific needs. If you value a compact and customizable design, the K530 Pro is an excellent choice. If you prefer a slightly larger layout with quality construction, the K599 Deimos is worth considering. Both keyboards offer excellent performance, durability, and value for money.